Totocon 2016: Soror Infinity!

We are excited to have Soror Infinity speaking at Totocon this year! What’s in a Name? BABALON ‘What’s in a name? That which we call a rose by any other word would smell as sweet.’ So said Shakespeare’s besotted Juliet to her Romeo but was she wrong? As magical students we learn quickly that words have power and the name of a powerful archetypal force … Continue reading Totocon 2016: Soror Infinity!

Totocon 2016 Speaker: Nicole DiMucci Potts!

Read about another one of our Totocon presenters! Nicole DiMucci Potts is a self taught henna artist and owner of Scarlet Bee Henna in Austin TX, and has practiced the art of henna for 17 years. Nicole presented this talk on Henna as Magical Devotion at the 2016 Esoteric Book Conference, and is excited to bring this knowledge to Totocon 9. Additionally, she taught the … Continue reading Totocon 2016 Speaker: Nicole DiMucci Potts!

Totocon 2016 Speaker Fr. Palamedes Ardentis!

We are excited about Fr. Palamedes Ardentis presentation. Read more about it below! The Warrior-Saints: Sikhism and its Influence on Modern Thelema For being the world’s fifth largest religion, so few people truly understand the teachings and methods of the holy warriors of the Punjab, the Sikhs, and their universalist yet militant message. This talk with offer an overview of Sikh beliefs and practices, an … Continue reading Totocon 2016 Speaker Fr. Palamedes Ardentis!

Totocon 2016 Speaker: Fr. Aristaeus Phosphoros!

Fr. Aristaeus Phosphoros is one of our Totocon 2016 speakers. Read more about his presentation below! Will, Desire, and Belief: Andrew D. Chumbley and the Sabbatic Craft with Fr. Aristaeus Phosphoros In his essay “Cultus Sabbati: Provenance, Dream, and Magistry” Andrew D. Chumbley wrote, “The Sabbatic Craft is a name for a Nameless Faith. It is a term used to describe an ongoing tradition of sorcerous wisdom, … Continue reading Totocon 2016 Speaker: Fr. Aristaeus Phosphoros!