Holy Books Study Group: LXV

Date: March 22, 2017

Time: 7:30- 9:00 PM

Location: Scarlet Woman Lodge
Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.

This event is free and open to the public.

Please join us this Wednesday, January 25th at 7:30 p.m. for a general discussion of the Holy Books of Thelema, continuing our discussion of Liber LXV, the Book of the Heart Girt with the Serpent, picking up our progress in previous chapters.

“Also one V.V.V.V.V. arose, an exalted adept of the rank of Master of the Temple (or this much He disclosed to the Exempt Adepts) and His utterance is enshrined in the Sacred Writings.”–Liber LXI, v. 29

The Frater Superior of O.T.O. wrote that The Holy Books of Thelema “have a way of unfolding within the reader, of not only retaining, but increasing their relevance. . . Written, as they were, on the most exalted planes of existence . . . and can awaken, as if by sympathetic resonance, promptings toward similar experiences in the receptive reader.” The are classed by the A.’.A.’. in Class A, which “consists of books of which may be changed not so much as the style of a letter: that is, they represent the utterance of an Adept entirely beyond the criticism of even the Visible Head of the Organization.”

While those who discuss the contents of the first among the Holy Books, Liber AL, are “to be shunned by all, as centres of pestilence,” the same injunction does not hold for the other Holy Books.

In future classes we plan to discuss the other Holy Books, including, Liber VII, Liber Trigrammaton, Liber Tau, Liber A’ash, and Liber Tzaddi, to name a few. We will announce which book or books we will be discussing before each meeting.

“And they that read the book and debated thereon passed into the desolate land of Barren Words. And they that sealed up the book into their blood were the chosen of Adonai, and the Thought of Adonai was a Word and a Deed; and they abode in the Land that the far-off travellers call Naught.”–LXV, v. 59

Thank you to Sophia Vera Horodysky for use of her artwork for our image. Please visit her webpage at http://sophiavera.com/ where you can find many images based on Liber LXV in her portfolio.

Love is the law, love under will.

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