Advanced Initiation Training

If you are an initiator ready for more training or a member of OTO ready to take steps to become an initiator, save the date for Advanced Initiation Training (AIT) coming to Bubastis Oasis in Dallas, TX the weekend of December 9th and 10th!

Advanced Initiation Training offers educational resources and training workshops to active, chartered initiators, facilitating their growth through the development of relevant skills. Additionally, AIT cultivates interest in, knowledgeability of, and zeal for our initiation rituals
among O.T.O. members.

The training is aimed at current Chartered Initiators who have already attended Initiation Training held by Certified Initiator Trainers and Sovereign Grand Inspectors General. However, if space is available, Master Magicians who have attended Initiation Training are welcome to attend.

If you would like to get ready for AIT by attending Initiation Training, you are in luck! Scarlet Woman Lodge will be hosting IT at the end of November – so look out for official notice and registration information which will be released soon.

To learn more about AIT, check out the official website here