Gnostic Mass Clergy

Clerical Participation

Many members of the Sanctuary enjoy participating in the celebration of the Gnostic Mass. While it is not necessary to participate in the Mass to enjoy a fulfilling membership in the Sanctuary, the experience can begin to give a deeper understanding into our rites. It is also an excellent way to get better acquainted with the clergy and other members of the community. We encourage new participants—it is a fine way to discover if one’s will leads one further down the Path of Service, enriching not only one’s own life, but also our Sanctuary and the Church as a whole.

Please note, Priests, Priestesses, and Deacon-Sacerdotes, have the Sacerdotal power and authority to celebrate the Gnostic Mass as representatives of E.G.C. within O.T.O. This includes the ability to perform baptisms, confirmations, and weddings under the supervision of an E.G.C. bishop.

The clerical offices in the Mass include:

Priest & Priestess: these roles are celebrated by ordained members of the Priesthood (who must be ordained O.T.O. initiates of at least Knight of the East & West or K.E.W.) or a Novice who is I° or above and under the supervision of a Bishop.

Deacon: this role is celebrated by ordained Deacons (who must be O.T.O. initiates of at least the II° or I° with special permission from Primate) or a Novice under the supervision of a Bishop.

The Children: There are two Children (“Positive” and “Negative”), which can be filled by anyone who has been baptized in E.G.C. Participation as a Child does not require O.T.O. initiation or a supervising Bishop.

If you would like to participate as a Child or Deacon, the easiest way is to let an ordained member of the clergy know you are interested. You do not need to have anything in the Mass memorized to start “Childing”—the Clergy are happy to instruct beginning participants in their new roles. However, it is beneficial to have at least a passing familiarity with the ritual. If you are not sure which clergy member to talk to, or you have further questions, contact the Lodge Master.