From the Lodge Secretary — July 2024

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.

Scarlet Woman Lodge is moving.

Our lease is up at the end of July, and we’ll be leaving the space we’re currently in. We don’t yet have another space, but we are in the process of looking.

Accordingly, we’re light on events this month, as most of the energy of our members is going into preparing for the move-out.

We are not “going away”, however. We will be changing how and where we do things for the time being. We will keep our website calendar up to date, and we will update you via this newsletter.

I would like to call your attention to the final installment of the Gnostic Saints series, on Saturday, July 27 at 2 pm at our Lodge. This is likely to be the last public event at our current space. The final Saint we’re covering is Harry Smith, an experimental filmmaker, artist, beatnik, and folk music collector, compiler, and publisher. As his lifespan covers 1923 to 1991, his biography is more contemporary than many of the Saints we’ve covered in the series, and covers interesting parts of America and American history (interesting people, too). He was added to the Saints list in 2023 by Hymenaeus Beta.

Love is the law, love under will.

— Secretary, Scarlet Woman Lodge