From the Lodge Secretary — August 2024

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.

Scarlet Woman Lodge is now out of our old location.

Unsurprisingly, rising Austin rents did not allow us to remain in our old space with our current income level.

We do not yet have a new permanent space, but we expect to offer events in the future at various locations — if you are attending an event, please check the location given carefully!

Right now, the only event we have scheduled for August is Thelemic Coffee Night at La Madeleine — see “events” for the date, time, and location details. This is still a good event to attend not only to socialize and meet people, but to ask questions about and discuss All Things Thelema — Thelema itself, the Lodge, the OTO, Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica, initiations, and any other topic of interest. And you can order a beverage and snack!

It may take us a while to adjust to our new method of providing services, so allow us some time to gear up to the new reality!

The beginning of August is the traditional time of celebration of Lammas or Lughnasadh, a harvest festival, and the half-way point between the Summer Solstice and the Autumn Equinox. In practical terms for Texas, August is the hottest month of the summer and the point where summer as itself begins winding down. Hurricane season is at its peak. Children prepare to go back to school and the appropriate sales happen. Mercury will be in retrograde most of August (8/4 thru 8/28), it seems.

So…this is a period of transition for us. Scarlet Woman Lodge will batten down the hatches and prepare for the new season. Stay tuned!

Love is the law, love under will.— Secretary, Scarlet Woman Lodge