From the Lodge Secretary — September 2024

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.

Scarlet Woman Lodge looks forward to Fall. 

Scarlet Woman Lodge continues in semi-hiatus after moving out of our old space, but we expect to be putting together ideas for events soon.

We ARE having Thelemic Coffee Night this month, at the usual place, La Madeleine, Great Hills Trail location, on Tuesday, September 10, at 6:30 PM. This is a good event for “newbies” to Thelema and the OTO to ask questions and meet people, and is also a good event for “oldies” who want to relax after work and socialize with fellow Thelemites over nibbles and beverages. I can confirm that the crepes are excellent.

Otherwise — it sure doesn’t seem like Fall yet, but there are symptoms. The kids are back in school, and, darn it my closest public pool is closed 🙁  The Fall Equinox is happening on Sunday, September 22nd. I’m ready for the hot days to be over but not really ready for “summer” itself, as a concept, to be over. But the seasons change, and they’ll change again.

Love is the law, love under will.

— Secretary, Scarlet Woman Lodge