A few things to keep in mind if you are seeking initiation with Scarlet Woman Lodge:
Where can I get an application for initiation?
You can get an application for initiation from an SWL Officer or Chartered Initiator, in person, though in special circumstances (such as with candidates traveling to take their initiation), we can mail an application directly to you. Applications cannot be emailed.
Should I wait for an initiation to be scheduled before I turn in my application?
No. We schedule initiations based upon the applications that we receive. If we do not have applications, we do not schedule initiations. So, turn in those apps!
What important things should I know when filling out my application and waiver?
Your initiation requires sponsors who will need to sign your initiation application. For your first initiation to the Minerval degree, your sponsors must be initiates of the first degree in good standing per U.S.G.L. guidelines. For the other Man of Earth initiations, your sponsors must be initiates of the degree of the initiation you are seeking.
If you are new to our community, please be patient if you are seeking initiation. Sponsorship is something we are counseled to take very seriously, and most members will want to be familiar with you and your character before agreeing to serve as a sponsor. If you ask someone for sponsorship, and they decide they will not do so, please do not take it personally. They may want to know you better, and you can always ask others.
When filling out the application, write your civil name out in full, including your middle name. Do not use initials, otherwise the application will be returned. Applications are good for one year from the date it is signed by you (not just turned in). If you filled one out and more than a year has passed, you will need to fill out a new application.
Have the attached waiver witnessed by someone who is not considered an agent of O.T.O. This is normally anyone who is not a local body officer or an officer of United States Grand Lodge, and can be a non-member.
What are the dues and fees for my initiation?
To obtain initiation, you must pay for your annual Grand Lodge dues and your initiation fees, in person, by mail at Scarlet Woman Lodge, P.O. Box 81873, Austin, TX 78708, or electronically at the S.W.L. Treasury web page. You may consult the schedule of dues and fees at the Grand Lodge web page. Scarlet Woman Lodge does not generally charge additional initiation fees from those listed on the Grand Lodge web page. If you are already a member of O.T.O., you should always consult the U.S.G.L. treasury’s records, which you can do from the U.S.G.L. Treasury web page, to make sure you do not have any back dues that need attending.
Do I have to pay the fees when I turn in my application?
No. Though it is strongly recommended to help steward Lodge resources in staging initiations and we generally do not schedule initiations until we have received your payment for initiation dues and fees. If you need more time, let the Lodge Master know so they can work with you to pay the dues and fees at any time up to the day of the ceremony. You can pay for your fees online.
Where do I turn in my application?
You can give your application and fees to a Lodge officer directly or by mailing it to Scarlet Woman Lodge, P.O. Box 81873, Austin, TX 78708. Dues and fees can be placed in a marked envelope in the secured drop box at the Lodge.
Once I turn in the Minerval application, what can I expect?
You will receive a letter in the mail telling you the date and time of the ceremony and where to go. It might be a few months before an initiation is scheduled. Be patient.
If you have any other questions, please ask the Initiation Coordinator, one of the local chartered initiators, or the Lodge Master.