Scarlet Symposium 2016 was a success!

Thank you to everyone who came out and participated in making Scarlet Symposium such a successful event. We had great workshops, panels, and talks, great ritual, and great social time. I want to also thank our brethren from Bubastis Oasis in Dallas and our brethren in Houston who made the trip out both to enjoy the event and to provide beautiful elements to the mass. … Continue reading Scarlet Symposium 2016 was a success!

Scarlet Symposium is in a couple weeks!

We’re getting closer to the Symposium, and we are excited about our presentations! Here is a description of what you will hear at the Symposium: The Gnostic Thelemic Sacraments Presenter: Brother David An exploration of the reformulated sacraments present in the Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica. Learn about the history of the seven Catholic sacraments, how they manifest in the Gnostic Church, and how they may have been … Continue reading Scarlet Symposium is in a couple weeks!

Third Day of the Writing of the Book of the Law

Date: April 10, 2016 Time: 7:00pm to 9:00pm Location: Scarlet Woman Lodge “Fear not at all; fear neither men nor Fates, nor gods, nor anything. Money fear not, nor laughter of the folk folly, nor any other power in heaven or upon the earth. Nu is your refuge as Hadit your light; and I am the strength, force, viguor, of your arms.” (3:17) Join us … Continue reading Third Day of the Writing of the Book of the Law