Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
There is a surprising amount of behind-the-scenes work that goes into running our Lodge, and the pandemic has truly made me appreciate our collective work. Scarlet Woman continues to hunker down and provide virtual events until such a time that our members, Grand Lodge, and the pandemic stars align. Travis County is not currently a red zone though Williamson County is and that makes outdoor gatherings a challenge. Even considering the outdoors is a safer than indoors, our membership is still not feeling confident about returning to in person events and are already or have continually been facing constant risk of exposure through work or school. While I understand the need and desire to gather, it seems inevitable that we must wait further for more confidence of relative safety.
I find myself hopeful with the upcoming Thelemic New Year and my mind is very much considering the manifestations I wish to see for the upcoming year. A more diverse community, a more engaged community with other local magical communities, a renewed celebration of the Gnostic Mass and our initiatory work, promulgation and feasting. I am heartened by my memory of Scarlet Woman over the past 20 years. We are a resilient, passionate, and devoted people. With the new year I have been thinking a lot about the Aeon of Horus and it’s significance for our Work. The Aeon of Horus represents our potential for self-realization, our interest in all things spiritual, and is dominated by the Principle of the Child.
The Word of its Law is Thelema (will) which is complimented by Agape (love), and its formula is Abrahadabra. Individuality and finding the “True Will” are the dominant aspects; its formula is that of growth, in consciousness and love, toward self-realization. Of the Aeon of Horus, Crowley writes:
the crowned and conquering child, who dieth not, nor is reborn, but goeth radiant ever upon His Way. Even so goeth the Sun: for as it is now known that night is but the shadow of the Earth, so Death is but the shadow of the Body, that veileth his Light from its bearer. (Heart of the Master)
And also:
The Aeon of Horus is here: and its first flower may well be this: that, freed of the obsession of the doom of the Ego in Death, and of the limitation of the Mind by Reason, the best men again set out with eager eyes upon the Path of the Wise, the mountain track of the goat, and then the untrodden Ridge, that leads to the ice-gleaming pinnacles of Mastery! (Little Essays Towards Truth, “Mastery”)
Crowned and conquering child, indeed. Radiant, strong, resilient, and full of life and vigor. This year I invite you to step into the radiance and journey upon the path of self-realization and freedom from suffering. And, if it be your Will, join us Saturday, March 20, 2021, as we invoke Horus, together, as unique and individual stars united by the Law of Freedom.
Love is the law, love under will.
Soror Musick