Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Each year, as winter fades and the light of spring stretches across the sky, a sacred journey begins—one of self-discovery, wisdom, and transformation. This is the Thelemic Holy Season, a 22-day spiritual observance that follows the rhythm of the stars, the hidden meanings of ancient symbols, and the unfolding of a divine mystery. Like stepping stones on a path toward inner truth, each day is magically linked to a Tarot card and a sacred writing, offering a unique lesson to those who seek it. From March 20 to April 10, Thelemic practitioners immerse themselves in meditation, ritual, and study, exploring ideas of fate, power, love, and the nature of the universe itself. This sacred season begins with the Vernal Equinox, a time of renewal, and follows a deep and mystical pattern, guiding the seeker through visions of the cosmos and the soul. Whether one is new to Thelema or well-versed in its teachings, this journey invites all who are willing to listen, reflect, and awaken to the wisdom written in the stars.
- Mar 19, Wed: Liber VII, Prologue of the Unborn; evening meditation to conclude the old year.
- Mar 20, Thu: Tav, The Universe; Liber VII, Cap. 2 (morning); Liber LXV, Cap. 1 (evening); morning and evening readings.
- Mar 21, Fri: Shin, The Aeon; Liber LXV, Cap. 4; reading at any convenient time.
- Mar 22, Sat: Resh, The Sun; Liber VII, Cap. 4; any convenient time.
- Mar 23, Sun: Qoph, The Moon; Liber VII, Cap. 6; any convenient time.
- Mar 24, Mon: Tzaddi, The Emperor; Liber Tzaddi; any convenient time.
- Mar 25, Tue: Peh, The Tower; Liber VII, Cap. 1; any convenient time.
- Mar 26, Wed: Ayin, The Devil; Liber A’ash; any convenient time.
- Mar 27, Thu: Samekh, Art; Liber ARARITA, Cap. 7; any convenient time.
- Mar 28, Fri: Nun, Death; Liber Arcanorum; any convenient time.
- Mar 29, Sat: Mem, The Hanged Man; Liber LXV, Cap. 3; any convenient time.
- Mar 30, Sun: Lamed, Adjustment; Liber Librae; any convenient time.
- Mar 31, Mon: Kaph, Fortune; Liber VII, Cap. 3; any convenient time.
- Apr 1, Tue: Yod, The Hermit; Liber VII, Cap. 5; any convenient time.
- Apr 2, Wed: Teth, Lust; Liber Stellae Rubeae; any convenient time.
- Apr 3, Thu: Cheth, The Chariot; Liber Cheth; any convenient time.
- Apr 4, Fri: Zayin, The Lovers; Liber LXV, Cap. 2; any convenient time.
- Apr 5, Sat: Vav, The Hierophant; Liber LXV, Cap. 5; any convenient time.
- Apr 6, Sun: Heh, The Star; Liber ARARITA, Cap. 6; additional suggestion: An Account of A∴A∴; reading at any convenient time.
- Apr 7, Mon: Daleth, The Empress; Liber VII, Cap. 7; any convenient time.
- Apr 8, Tue: Gimel, The Priestess; Liber Legis, Cap. I (Nuit); best time is 5:00 AM CDT.
- Apr 9, Wed: Beth, The Magus; Liber Legis, Cap. II (Hadit); additional suggestion: Liber Magi; best time is 5:00 AM CDT.
- Apr 10, Thu: Aleph, The Fool; Liber Legis, Cap. III (Heru-Ra-Ha); additional suggestion: Silence; best time is 5:00 AM CDT.
Magic is not just thought—it is action, lived and embodied. Ritual gives form to intention, weaving unseen forces into reality. Through the practices of the Thelemic Holy Season, we do more than reflect; we align, transform, and emanate energy that extends beyond ourselves. Every gesture, word, and symbol resonates outward, subtly shaping the world around us. As we move in harmony with the sacred, those in our lives—consciously or not—are drawn into its rhythm, awakening to their own divine will.
Love is the law, love under will.
+ Fr. Omega B.