Note from the Lodge Master

As I write this, my friends are celebrating Autumn, Mabon, Rosh Hashana, and so many are mourning the death of the immeasurable, notorious Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg (RBG). Here at the beginning rush of the Fall celebrations, I have drawn in my breath and I am taking much pause, as a cisgender woman and a Thelemite, who has accepted the Law of Liberty.  … Continue reading Note from the Lodge Master

Member Profile: Soror Infinity

Sister Ronda, Sr. Infinity, started her spiritual journey many years ago. The path has twisted and turned from baptism in the faith of Jehovah’s Witnesses, yes those folks that do field ministry, getting that first taste of magic through the Wiccan faith, and connecting with the earth, sun, and power plant deities through Native American practices, such as the sweat lodge, Sundance ceremonies, and Medicine … Continue reading Member Profile: Soror Infinity

Upcoming Scarlet Woman Lodge Events

All events are held online via Zoom. To get the links for the events, check out our calendar at (Note: HPW stands for Hermetic Practice Workshop) Thu  9/10 7:30 PM  HPW – Community Hang Out timeThu  9/17 7:30 PM   HPW – Devotional Meditation: The Seven Chalices of the LadyTue  9/22 7:30 PM   Fall Equinox CelebrationWed 9/23 7:30 PM   Holy Books Study GroupThu  9/24 … Continue reading Upcoming Scarlet Woman Lodge Events

September: From the Lodge Master

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. At SWL, we always strive to create an active community of people who have accepted the Law of Thelema and share a mutual interest in magick, mysticism, and Hermetic Science. While this is an especially difficult and challenging time for social connection, we remain determined to serve our community. By now we are all … Continue reading September: From the Lodge Master