Astrology Study Group

Astrology Series

I have personally put off studying astrology as I am a tarot snob. That’s right, rub it in, if you must. I am absolutely floored at how much I enjoy astrology! Why in the world did I put this off for so long??? It has been really tying together so many concepts and ideas that I have been studying or utilizing over several decades and I am loving it.

I also started this group as a way to attract a diverse group of people. Many people all over the world study one kind or aspect of astrology or another. What a great thing to build a community around, shared knowledge and goals for really understanding the nature of the universe and those within it. I am so thankful for our magical and mystical community for opening up my world to a universe of potentiality. Our core group has been learning and sharing a lot, despite our knowledge diversity! Yes, because of our diverse backgrounds we are learning more about astrology!

My hope is to keep an ongoing study group and to register a chapter with the National Council for Geocosmic Research (NCGR). I really think astrology is that amazing, not just from a socio-cultural-historical background, but it really is an amazing tool for scientific discovery and self-analysis. Come join Scarlet Woman!

Astrology is a method of scientific discovery and self-analysis, a method of meditation, and theoretically a perfect method of divination. Crowley had very specific instructions on how to study Astrology and its application in self-discovery.

We will discuss the basics, terminology, symbols, natal charts, the twelve signs of the Zodiac, the planets, the houses, elements & modalities, angles, quadrants, aspects, orbs, and so much more. And by the end, we’ll put together all of the knowledge gained so that we can determine a person’s astrological chart! Participants are encouraged to bring their own blank journal for note taking and practice. We will be referencing (among other texts) The Only Astrology Book You’ll Ever Need, by Joanna Martine Woolfolk.

While Astrology 101 is set up as a series of workshops, starting January 21, 2021, everyone is welcome to join in the discussion at any time. So, what are you waiting for? Join us and let’s learn the fundamentals of astrology!

Soror Musick
Scarlet Woman Lodge