From the Lodge Master: December 2021

Dear All,

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.

My heart is already preparing for winter. The solstice will be here soon, and it will be a time for us to reflect on the goals we would like to accomplish by the Spring Equinox. One of those goals is already occurring; We are holding in person events again. Initiations are happening and we are celebrating the Gnostic Mass in person.

The pandemic has been my greatest test as a leader, and I took comfort in knowing I wouldn’t be making decisions alone. I have always believed in collaborative leadership, and I have never valued it more than during this pandemic. I want to thank all our volunteers, members, and community—for everything you have done to keep our work moving forward through the enormous challenges of the pandemic.

Our community has adapted last year with remarkable generosity and flexibility to a version of community life that few of us could have predicted and none of us would have chosen. Again, thank you for rising to the challenge of bringing yourselves, our members, and our larger community through this experience safe and strong.

Our goals will continue to bring as much of the in-person magical, mystical, and fraternal experience as fully back to life for our community as possible and to re-establish the bonds of connection and community that make all this worthwhile. One thing COVID has taught us is that we are all connected to one another, for better and worse. The virus knows no borders or boundaries, and it has made us all vulnerable—and responsible—to everyone we encounter. I hope this experience will inspire us to approach our work together this year with an extra measure of grace, aware of the ways in which we are all going through a challenging period, and sensitive to the fact that everyone has their own individual burdens and struggles as well.

Love is the law, love under will.


Sor. Musick
Scarlet Woman Lodge