It is with a very heavy heart that I inform you that our Brother, “Jim” James Mc, died unexpectedly in his home this weekend. We are very shocked and saddened by this great loss.
Our Brother has been a part of our community for as long as I can remember. He was an invaluable leader in life and a devoted Thelemite like none other. Many of us worked directly with Jim in his role as SGIG, initiator, or Master. Many have had close friendships with Jim through the years.
I’ve spent the past few days talking with my siblings about the colorful and vivid life and legacy of “Jim” James Mc. I am in awe from the stories of the rich life he led. I am moved by the strong bonds he formed with so many people near and far. To me, this is the bread and salt, the fraternal bonds like nothing else. The empty space within our community is directed related to the influence, impact, and strength of this man. I know this will be as hard for you as it is for the rest of our community.
We will be holding a memorial service for Brother Jim by the end of January. Austin is in COVID Stage 4 at current and we are reeling at the speed of Omicron. We are seeking pictures, comments, and stories for a slideshow of Jim’s life. Please send any images, stories and more:
One of my most fond memories of Jim is remembering his deep love of his biological sister, whom he adored. During my mastership, he has been the most loving, solid, leader to lean on. Connecting with my community, my complex feelings in grief, and being as present as possible within my own body, mind and soul is my current focus. This includes breathing deeply and centering through sadness, anxiety, and fear. I will continue to reach out to those around me to share and connect.
Love is the law, love under will.
Sr. Musick
Scarlet Woman Lodge