From the Lodge Secretary — October 2023

Happy Halloween! Day of the Dead! Samhain! And Happy Crowleymas!

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.

In a few days we are promised “the first taste of Fall” when high temperatures might fall into the 80s. Ahem. This is not “Fall” in the rest of the world but we will make do with what we have.

But this is Spooky Month! A time to see people run around with pentagrams and hexagrams on t-shirts, ads, displays, yard decorations. A time to watch horror films, play spot the symbolism, and giggle at the context. A good playtime for all! And at the end of the month we get to dress up in costumes and pig out on candy.

The origin of the word “Halloween” comes from “All Hallow’s Eve”, a time set aside by the Roman Catholic Church to pray for and honor the dead. Pagan traditions celebrate Samhain, from Celtic culture. In Texas, many celebrate El Día de Muertos, the Day of the Dead, which comes from Mexican culture, with beautiful altars set up for deceased family members.

It’s not a bad idea to set aside some time for honoring our own dead, in whatever way seems best to us and them. As I write this I think about people from our Lodge that we have lost. And as I get older, the number of people I know who have passed on grows.

And as hard as this summer has been, and as welcome as cooler weather will be when it finally arrives, there’s something about the cooling of the air, the shortening and darkening of the day, and the coming of winter that feels ominous to me. I’m used to surviving the hot Texas summer, even as it becomes unlivable, but cold and winter has always seemed more of a threat to me. Fall reminds me, therefore, of decline and death — which makes it a good time to think about death and remember loved ones.

And Happy Crowleymas! On October 12, 1875, Aleister Crowley was born. I’m not sure if we celebrate his birth, his death, or both, with drinking and the reciting of his poetry, but I’m not sure that it makes any difference. Please drink and recite responsibly!

Love is the law, love under will.

— Secretary, Scarlet Woman Lodge