A Message to our Community

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.

The past week has presented our nation with tragic events that have caused many of us to take pause and consider how to help all of our communities. While the world is managing the impact of the pandemic that continues to put extreme pressure on our economic structure, we are also reminded and confronted by the historical presence of systemic racism that has created an economic divide in this country based on color and privilege. The system is not broken, it was built this way.

Our fraternal organization stands for individual freedom as well as systemic change. An important part of our O.T.O. value system, is that we reject doctrines that promote bigotry, prejudice, and intolerance. We also work to eliminate unfair discrimination which may impede our overall Mission. Driven by our values and commitment to freedom, we respect everyone for who they are regardless of their race, color, religion, gender, national origin, non-disqualifying physical or mental disability, sexual orientation, transgender status, sexual identity, veteran status, genetic information, or other criteria prohibited by law. We recognize the importance of diversity and inclusion in our membership and community.

We consider ourselves to be responsible for the well-being of all of our members as well as educating them on topics that they and their families may be facing. Our community has been heavily impacted by financial disparity, fear of the unknown, concern for general health and the overall toll of all of these things, which also includes racism. Each of these factors affects the psyche for each of us individually, our families and as a fraternal organization.  

It is important to consider the significance of the current protests in our country in relationship to the vision of O.T.O.  “We will manifest a culture that is comfortable with myriad expressions of the -Self and rejects fear; attracting and retaining a diverse membership at every level and welcoming the participation of Thelemites of all sexes, genders, orientations, “races,” ethnicities, and cultural backgrounds.” And “races” in this policy is in quotation, as it is a construct born out of slave trading and built into the very founding of our Nation. Introspection and study of the history and the impact of racism is illuminating. I encourage people to read, to do the work, and get involved as much as humanly possible to understand its historical and current impact.

To truly combat tyranny and oppression, we must do the work to understand it more fully. All the tools of our magick and mysticism aid us in this endeavor. All the values of our Initiatory system further aid us to combat the tyranny and oppression of systemic racism. The commitment to fight tyranny and oppression, whereever we find it, including within ourselves, is the only way forward. These protests, during difficult economic and political times give us an opportunity to examine what freedom really means, for ourselves and for particularly for people of color.

So, to all in our Austin community, please know this:

We see you, we hear you, and we recognize that your experiences are valid. As an O.T.O. body, we promise to always hear your voices and to always do our best to educate ourselves to help you live the lives you wish. In the words of Malcom X: “When ‘I’ is replaced by ‘we’ illness becomes wellness.”

Reference: http://oto-usa.org/usgl/mission/

Love is the law, love under will.

Soror Musick
