From the Lodge Master — July 2023

Happy 4th of July!

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.

Happy Independence Day! I hope everyone has a good holiday. The traditional outdoor BBQ sounds nice but in this heat?? The pool sounds nicer; wear plenty of sunscreen and stay hydrated!

The Fourth of July, Independence Day, celebrates the founding of the United States of America, which broke away from a monarchy to found a democratic republic. An admittedly imperfect one — the right to vote for every American was not fully established until I was a child — but nonetheless a step in a direction away from the idea of authoritarianism as the natural form of government for humans, and toward the idea that government exists to serve humans, who have a right to full participation in their own governance. May we persevere as best we can in the preservation and advancement of this ideal.

Love is the law, love under will.

— Secretary, Scarlet Woman Lodge