From the Lodge Master – May 2022

Dear All,

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.

As I begin to write this update I am reminded how swiftly and violently Spring erupts in my life. In any fashion, as nature does, with a flurry of wildflowers, or not, depending on the amount of rain, the temperature, and more. Spring is such a monumental shift from the quiet, darkness of the season preceding. All this to say, I find myself ridiculously busy and thinking about my next Astrology presentation.

With astrology comes the same complication of nature itself. Where it is not one singular thing, such as a zodiacal sign that decides the course of nature, but a myriad, just as our wildflowers above. In astrology, we compare it to acting: The planet is the actor, the sign describes the character and costume of the actor, and to some extent along with the house describes where the action of the play takes place. Planetary aspects have a significant bearing on character and describe the dialogue and the action and interrelationships between the actors.

This, to me, is our Great Work. To discover the very elements of our own being and to have conscientious, intentional choice in our living. Understanding the myriad of factors that influence our sense of self, our sense to others, or our world and universe are important to our very freedom from any limiting thoughts and ideas. Our initiations help set us on the path of personal (and interpersonal) freedom. It has been life changing for me in this regard.

I practiced ceremonial magick since I was 17 years old. It was a curious thing and offered me the opportunity to feel like I have more of a sense of control in a world that felt impenetrable. I also really love the meditative flow of ritual. Though, my own growth with ritual, was in the study of magick and ritual. To do ritual, required some study. To understand ritual, required some study. And to prepare for ritual, required some study. This study fueled my curiosity and interest in the world. It also helped me to continually grow over the years.

Now I am back to those wildflowers and gardens everywhere. How do we take something inert and make it more alive? Or take the dross and turn it into gold? In my not so humble opinion, it is in studying the myriad of things that mark our course in this world and setting off to work. Whether it is our family, our culture, our history, our fate, God’s will, Buddha’s blessing, or genetic or zodiacal predilection, the work is ours, it is real, and it is great.

Love is the law, love under will.

Soror Musick
Scarlet Woman Lodge