From the Lodge Master — November 2022

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.

Fall is one of my favorite times of the year. It can be a little challenging to pin down that lovely space between our brutally hot summers and our late winters. But, it is there.

This time of year is when folks begin celebrating the end of Summer, nestling in for the cooler days. In the past I suppose it was a bit of both a celebration of the harvest itself as well as its end. It does not feel quite the same for me as I long for the fall and spring in reprieve of the winter and the summer. The moderate temperatures just seem to suit me in this modern world. To celebrate, I had the wonderful chance to camp under the canopy of the gorgeous night sky while surrounded by hillsides, trees changing colors, and the sound of both barking tree frogs and dogs. Lost Maples was finally mine to behold! I have not been camping in a dog’s age, let alone with friends and loved ones. I feel so blessed. What a super genuine way to celebrate the end of a season than with friends ringing in the next season. May we always be this joyous and free!

Now back at home, showered and catching up on modern life. My head is filled with lovely images of the drive, the views, the sounds, my friends, the food, and the weather. I feel like I released a part of my soul on this trip.

Love is the law, love under will.

Soror Musick
Master, Scarlet Woman Lodge