Season’s Greetings! from Scarlet Woman Lodge

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.

Season’s Greetings, Happy Yule, Merry Solstice, or happy whatever it is you are celebrating at this time of year for any reason, in any way you are celebrating, according to your Will.

I’ll soon put up an artificial tree that I’ve had for years — it has built in fiber optic lights and I’ll enjoy decorating it with my collection of robot, dinosaur, and other oddball ornaments (I am a nerd). Why? Because I like it. It’ll bring some cheery light into a dark part of the year.

Central Texas is taking its usual confused approach to the season, cold and rainy one day, and warm the next. The high today is supposed to be 81F, which has nothing whatsoever to do with whatever will happen in February 2023, may it be merciful unto us.

Y’all take care over the holidays, and enjoy your time with family and friends. On behalf of Scarlet Woman Lodge, I wish you Light, Life, Love, Liberty, and the fulfillment of your Will.

Love is the law, love under will.

— Secretary, Scarlet Woman Lodge (and newsletter editor)