From the Lodge Master — Support SWL! Pledge Drive for 2024

Happy New Year! And support SWL in 2024!

Care All,

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.

It is tradition and part of our Great Work, to give deeply: both within our organization and without. The first lesson in our great principle is attainment of honor through renunciation. To that end, the time is upon us for our annual SWL Pledge Drive!

SWL needs your support. Whether it be a dollar more a month or $100. We ask only that each member be as generous as they are able because we know each member has a very different ability to give. Even a penny will help us get closer to our goal to support SWL.

You can make your donation:  
1.     Paypal subscription for 1, 2, or 3 dues units or make a one-time donation online:
2.     Mail a check made payable to: SWL, P.O. Box 81873, Austin, TX 78708. Please add notation in memo area “SWL Dues Pledge”, “SWL Pledge, or “SWL Donation.”
3.     Dropbox at SWL. You can place a check or cash in an envelope with your name and “pledge” or “donation” printed on the envelope.
4.     Connect with us. You may give your pledges and donations to the Lodge Officers in person. We may be reaching out to you for your support and will gladly assist you in this way.

Your donations and support are greatly appreciated and help promulgate the Law of Thelema to the public as well as creating a place of gathering for Thelemites.

Your pledge or donations are tax-deductible charitable donations! 

I will personally match the largest donation!

It is a pleasure to serve, and I am so deeply indebted to our Great Work together and look forward to our continued growth. Have questions, thoughts, or concerns, let me know!

Thank you for your support!

Love is the law, love under will.

Soror Musick