From the Lodge Secretary — December 2023

Happy Solstice! — The Dark of Winter, The Light of the Sun

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.

I’m not a big fan of two months of 100+ degree days in the summer, but I’m also not a fan of winter. I don’t adjust well to the shorter and cooler days; I’ve been fighting it. It’s no secret why we have celebrations during the winter time at the darkest point of the year and those celebrations focus on light, regardless of the surrounding religious or secular trappings. We need it!

Accordingly, I’ll be putting up my “Thelema Tree” at some point and decorating it with robots and flamingos and other ornaments I’ve picked up over the years. Yes, I am a nerd 🙂

In that vein — Happy Solstice! I hope you have a great celebration with your friends and families; that you end this year well, and that 2024 will be a blessing to you all!

Love is the law, love under will.

— Secretary, Scarlet Woman, Lodge