HPW: Jack Parsons

This month we are hosting a really awesome HPW focused on the life and work of Brother Jack Parsons.

Join us at Scarlet Woman Lodge on Thursday August 30th at 7:30 pm for a discussion of the life and work of Brother Jack Parsons, former National Grand Master General of Agape Grand Lodge OTO, USA and lifelong Aspirant to the order A.’.A.’., as well as one of the founders of what would become Jet Propulsion Laboratories and a pioneer in the field rocketry. Although tragically killed in an explosives accident in 1952, his seminal writings on libertarianism were published posthumously. Considered by some to be a heretic for his purported discovery of a fourth chapter to the Book of Law, he was a sincere and devoted Thelemite until his untimely death. His story has been recently popularized in the CBS All Access series Strange Angel. This class is intended to focus factually on Parsons’s life and work and to shine a light on some of the potentially misleading dramatizations of that series. Come out to HPW on Thursday.

If you would like to read more about Jack Parsons, check out, George Pendle’s “Strange Angel” biography; Martin Starr’s “The Unknown God: W T. Smith and the Thelemites”;”Freedom is a Two Edged Sword,”; “Three Essays on Freedom”; and “Book of Babalon.”