The Scarlet Letter

A new issue of the Scarlet Letter is coming out soon!

The Scarlet Letter has a 27 year history with Scarlet Woman Lodge. Since 1993, SWL has been producing content on Magick, ritual, philosophy, art, community, Thelema, and many other things. We have had a wide variety of wonderful Editors and contributors. The Scarlet Letter showcases talented writers, artists, and graphic designers. We look forward to producing our community magical journal for years to come.

In our upcoming issue, you can find pieces and art on Fraternity, Feasting, Liber Tzaddi, The Supreme Ritual, 2nd Path of Tau, Invocation of Gabriel, and much more. Our magical journal also includes updates from the Master and the community.

Our next issue theme is Personal Practice, particularly as it may apply during the current pandemic. We welcome and desire your advertising and patronage for the Scarlet Letter. Past and current issues of The Scarlet Letter are available in digital and print format for a small fee. If you are interested in advertising or purchasing our magical journal, please send your requests and inquiries to The Scarlet Letter Editor at